Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2014 Goals

HAPPY LABOR DAY! I hope you were off and was able to spend this sort of 'final' holiday of the summer with family and friends

Spiffy picture from a bbq I attended today

Gosh.... Where did the time go? I cant believe its the last quarter of 2014 already! I will need to buckle down with my goals. I am also adding a couple of non-Monetary goals for the month of September
  • Track daily spending - I track it using an excel spreadsheet where I have categories by the purchase date, Card/Cash, Category that it falls into the budget, Name of the place and the Amount.
  • Keep the weekly spending around $200/week - I bumped it up from $150 since I couldn't keep to that amount and I just get frustrated.
  • Use cash for ONE week - I am going to try this for a week. Withdraw $200 on a Saturday morning and leave all my debit cards at home. I'll post about this for the month.
  • Allocate $1200 to debt for the month of September - A big chunk of this will be paid to the Personal Loan. I just want to be under $20k by the end of this month
  • Do not use credit cards - Leaving them ALL at home starting today.
  • At least ONE day of no spending per week - This will be easy during the work week
  • Work out at least 3 days every week - I printed out the gym classes available for September and marked the ones I will be interested in going.
  • Read / Finish a book - I have a couple of purchased unread books on my Kindle. Just a matter of picking and choosing which one to start today! (So NO Spend there!) 

Any FUN goals you want to accomplish this September?


  1. Good luck on your September goals :)

  2. Thank you and thanks for dropping by =)

  3. Those are good goals, Michelle! I'm particularly interested to read how your $200 in cash with no debit/credit cards challenge goes. I'm definitely thinking about doing a similar goal at some point. I'm keeping my Sept goals fairly light as we'll be in NYC for 4 days but I already have a budget and money set aside, just gotta stick to it! :) Good luck with your goals!

  4. I will be testing the $200 cash out this month. I am just so used to having a debit card but I always keep telling myself to do a cash budget.

    Thanks for stopping by Morgaine! Good luck with your budget also for NYC. Have loads of fun!
