Saturday, November 22, 2014

Week 25 : We are down to THREE

Finally - I can organize everything!

I am finally down to 3 companies I need to pay off debt. I am hoping I can pay off the Personal Loan ASAP - that will be a huge burden off my back because then I can control the payments that are going out for the other accounts and not have an automatic withdrawal per month. Plus, the payments that I make manually doesn't get posted until a week after and sometimes that can get frustrating to me.

I have made the balance transfer - which probably will not post until the next week or so (since its a holiday the whole week). It cost me about $130 for the fees but this will be at a 0% until Dec 2015.

I am now down to 3 creditors to pay. I have paid off the car insurance for the year, although, I have a payment that I need to make for my car registration $135 which is budgeted below.

Anyways, Thanksgiving is almost here and I think I will be contributing to thanksgiving dinner. No, I am not cooking lol but probably will be buying a holiday ham for the family =) That will need to get budgeted in - they are expensive!

Current Debts:
Its not a payday this week, but below are the current total debts.

Personal Loan
Student Loan
Credit Card
Car Misc

Starting Debt: $20,764  || Paid/Interest: $19 || Ending Debt: *$20,783

Weekly Spending: 
Looks like I spent too much this week, but I actually took out $200 for the payment I had for my Personal Loan to fund this trip
Sat - $66 Groceries | $6 Breakfast | $13 Dinner | $35 Drinks | $65 Hotel & Gas (my share)
Sun - $55 Lunch
Mon - No Spend Day!
Tue - $45 Target
Wed - No Spend Day!
Thu - $20 Lunch
Fri - $20 Dinner
Weekly Spending Start $200 + $200 Travel Budget = $400 || End $325

Have a good weekend xo!


  1. Great job getting down to 3 creditors! Each one paid off is like a weight off your back! Good job on the 2 no spends last week and keeping to your budget :)

    1. Thanks! I cant wait until I can get them off my back soon

  2. Yay - down to 3 creditors! How exciting! I'm considering doing a balance transfer on my credit card...

    1. Yes, I got a promotion for mine so its 0% until next year. I totally forgot about the balance transfer fee though - but oh well. I am concentrating more on the repayment for the personal loan so at least this is just a one time fee rather than getting interest every month for CC#2

      Thanks for dropping by!
